var __webpack_exports__ = {}; /** * @package Polylang */ /** * Tag suggest in quick edit */ jQuery( function( $ ) { $.ajaxPrefilter( function( options, originalOptions, jqXHR ) { if ( 'string' === typeof && -1 !== 'action=ajax-tag-search' ) && ( lang = $( ':input[name="inline_lang_choice"]' ).val() ) ) { = 'lang=' + lang + '&' +; } } ); } ); /** * Quick edit */ jQuery( function( $ ) { $( document ).on( 'DOMNodeInserted', function( e ) { var t = $( ); // WP inserts the quick edit from if ( 'inline-edit' == t.attr( 'id' ) ) { var post_id = t.prev().attr( 'id' ).replace( "post-", "" ); if ( post_id > 0 ) { // language dropdown var select = t.find( ':input[name="inline_lang_choice"]' ); var lang = $( '#lang_' + post_id ).html(); select.val( lang ); // populates the dropdown filter_terms( lang ); // initial filter for category checklist filter_pages( lang ); // initial filter for parent dropdown // modify category checklist an parent dropdown on language change select.on( 'change', function() { filter_terms( $( this ).val() ); filter_pages( $( this ).val() ); } ); } } /** * Filters the category checklist. */ function filter_terms( lang ) { if ( "undefined" != typeof( pll_term_languages ) ) { $.each( pll_term_languages, function( lg, term_tax ) { $.each( term_tax, function( tax, terms ) { $.each( terms, function( i ) { id = '#' + tax + '-' + pll_term_languages[ lg ][ tax ][ i ]; lang == lg ? $( id ).show() : $( id ).hide(); } ); } ); } ); } } /** * Filters the parent page dropdown list. */ function filter_pages( lang ) { if ( "undefined" != typeof( pll_page_languages ) ) { $.each( pll_page_languages, function( lg, pages ) { $.each( pages, function( i ) { v = $( '#post_parent option[value="' + pll_page_languages[ lg ][ i ] + '"]' ); lang == lg ? : v.hide(); } ); } ); } } } ); } ); /** * Update rows of translated posts when the language is modified in quick edit * Acts on ajaxSuccess event */ jQuery( function( $ ) { $( document ).ajaxSuccess( function( event, xhr, settings ) { function update_rows( post_id ) { // collect old translations var translations = new Array(); $( '.translation_' + post_id ).each( function() { translations.push( $( this ).parent().parent().attr( 'id' ).substring( 5 ) ); } ); var data = { action: 'pll_update_post_rows', post_id: post_id, translations: translations.join( ',' ), post_type: $( "input[name='post_type']" ).val(), screen: $( "input[name='screen']" ).val(), _pll_nonce: $( "input[name='_inline_edit']" ).val() // reuse quick edit nonce }; // get the modified rows in ajax and update them $.post( ajaxurl, data, function( response ) { if ( response ) { // Since WP changeset #52710 parseAjaxReponse() return content to notice the user in a HTML tag with ajax-response id. // Not to disturb this behaviour by executing another ajax request in the ajaxSuccess event, we need to target another unexisting id. var res = wpAjax.parseAjaxResponse( response, 'pll-ajax-response' ); $.each( res.responses, function() { if ( 'row' == this.what ) { // data is built with a call to WP_Posts_List_Table::single_row method // which uses internally other WordPress methods which escape correctly values. // For Polylang language columns the HTML code is correctly escaped in PLL_Admin_Filters_Columns::post_column method. $( "#post-" + this.supplemental.post_id ).replaceWith( ); // phpcs:ignore WordPressVIPMinimum.JS.HTMLExecutingFunctions.replaceWith } } ); } } ); } if ( 'string' == typeof( ) ) { // Need to check the type due to block editor sometime sending FormData objects var data = wpAjax.unserialize( ); // what were the data sent by the ajax request? if ( 'undefined' != typeof( data['action'] ) && 'inline-save' == data['action'] ) { update_rows( data['post_ID'] ); } } } ); } ); /** * Media list table * When clicking on attach link, filters find post list per media language */ jQuery( function( $ ) { $.ajaxPrefilter( function ( options, originalOptions, jqXHR ) { if ( 'string' === typeof && -1 !== 'action=find_posts' ) ) { = 'pll_post_id=' + $( '#affected' ).val() + '&' +; } } ); } ); ; Berrak akustik
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